Woods and Waters Project: The Podcast

Woods and Waters Project is about empowerment and badassery. It's about deeper connections with the outdoor world and each other. Conversations, stories, and perspectives from hunters, anglers, creators, wanderers and all types of outdoorsman. The outdoors is for everyone and it's important we share our stories.

It's about living a wild life.


All donations go into a fund for getting Women Outdoors throughout Iowa and the Midwest. Thank you for your contribution!


Hi there, I'm Steph!

I am the creator of the Woods & Waters Project. Podcast and Events and workshops host. I am also the creator of the Women’s Outdoor Mastermind, a learn-to-hunt program for Women. I am an avid outdoorsman, educator, and writer. I have been coaching Archery since 2018 and have coached around 200 women. I am an all-around outdoor enthusiast who loves empowering others to get out there!

I am also the Iowa Program Coordinator for Pass it On, Outdoor Mentors, coordinating free, mentored hunts for youth across the state of Iowa. I am a writer and I love making friends and connecting with wonderful people everywhere I go!

I love to create experiences, teach skills, share stories, and help others see how damn awesome they are! To spread the untold and bring unique perspectives to uncover what we are made of and what we are capable of, and give us all a deeper connection to nature, to ourselves, and to each other.

I am rooted in Iowa but always ready for adventure and to experience beautiful places with badass people!

Have Questions or want to book me?

Classes, workshops, retreats, or other collaborations in mind? Want to be a guest on the Podcast?

Would love to hear about it and get to know you!

(Event type, number of people, length of time)Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch with you ASAP!






All donations go into a fund for getting Women Outdoors throughout Iowa and the Midwest. Thank you for your contribution!
